Sunday, November 28, 2010

Have a 1967 western flyer bike i want to sell locally in my area who should i contact and how easy is it? -

advertise in your local area, either through the local newspaper or advertisements with a picture and contact details on a basic flyer on A4 sized paper in local shops (asking the shop keepers permission first though).otherwise, on the net (if you put it up on a webiste or something) just state that you want to sell to people living in your local area only (under conditions or notes i think):)

Classic Vintage - STOLEN: My 1967 Paramount is a forum about nothing but bikes. Our community can help you find information about hard-to-find and localized information like bicycle tours, specialties like where in your area to have your recumbent bike serviced, or what are the best bicycle tires and seats for the activities you use your bike for

Try craigslist.craigslist.comYou should post in the Collectors section. Or something related to that



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