You ll probably end up spending tons of money on shipping - and then you get the added pleasure of waiting for the item to arrive from overseas (which it probably won t). Just buy one off craigslist - of course be sure to check it out for a few minutes before paying cash for it and taking it home. There s not really any Mexican flat-screen TV manufacturers that I know of. Either use craigslist with cash or buy one from a store near you - your chances of being scammed are drastically reduced.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
just wondering...if i wanted to buy a flat screen tv online from the U.K., would it save me alot of money? Or what if i broght it from like mexico or something? Our money here in the USA is worth much more than in mexico, so shouldnt i be able to get like a 32 inch flat screen tv for like $80?? Also, anyone know any websites that i can order electronics from overseas for dirt cheap?????
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