Monday, March 12, 2012

What is the best way to advertise your business on the web? -

I recently opened a small online business. I need to advertise so that I can get clients. I don t want to waste money on things that don t work.. so...What s the most effective way to advertise on the web and what s worked for you?

First good luck with your site.. There is many ways ... 1- Being here on answers.. you can go to your specialty category, and try to answer questions honestly (With subtle hints about your site and a link ??)2- emails.. go to the sites / blogs/ etc... which are about your subject of business.. know people from there.. and start making email ads.. you could send daily numerous emails to people whom you know interested in your products , etc...3- adding your site informaTION with business cards.. 4- Flyer s and business cards.. and you have to go to nearby colleges/ universities... etc... (And the near cities as well).. and pass them or hang them on the boards..5- Trying to contact other small business sites as well.. and make a deal with the owner of each site for swapping / putting each other site ads on each one site .. etc....And there is plenty more.. sure idea s .. yet you would have to pay me for consultation.. LOL.. Any help i will be more than glad.. Best wishes for you and your business.. have a great day ..

You can be active on forums related to your website or post comments to other post so other users will see your name and click on your profile. Post your website link to your profile so they can access it. It s one of the most effective things why people earn from selling pictures from flickr even if it doesn t cost much to buy photos. Check out this tutorial for that:

Use this company. They are HUGELY popular but also still pretty new, so their prices are still affordable, haha! I ve used them myself 3x they are super memorable catchy. Normal advertising might get you calls or clicks, but I ve found because of the memorable personal nature of the service they provide, actual dollars in sales are the result, not just calls or clicks. It s really cool because people remember it see it all over the web.Pretty girls (or guys) wear your website or company message on a t shirt all day, take photos of themselves blog about your company. Then they blast it on facebook, youtube, myspace, all of the social media sites, PLUS search engines over over all month.I ve used them myself 3x they are super memorable catchy. Normal advertising might get you calls or clicks, but I ve found because of the memorable personal nature of the service they provide, actual dollars in sales are the result, not just calls or clicks. It s really cool because people remember it see it all over the web. Enjoy!

The best way is word of mouth,now you can go about this by spamming which is never good so search forums related to your product,say your selling avon then message a womans health/beauty website owner and see if it would be ok to post your link to your website.make a myspace just for your company make a facebook a twitter profile ect. but most of all is word of mouth so advertise for free on forums and groups then bookmark it add your site to google search add alot of tags related to your product anything remotely close to relating...Good luck hope i helped



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