Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Can i fool a vending machine with two 5 cent pieces? -

You know a vending machine might be the only thing YOU might be able to fool. Think about it.

No.But you can fool people, a very good trick i came accross while at school is.. Wait until no one is arround then switch off or unplug the machine you want somthing from. The light will turn off but somtimes people just dont notice. They will stupidly put there money into the machine while its switched off, press the button for a drink or whatever they want. Nothing will happen. They will either leave it, Or go ask some one for help or there money back, as they go to find the person switch it back on. Then you can either press the button to get ur money back and you can have a free ��1 or you can choose a drink of your choice :) Wont even need the two 5 cent peices. Just make sure you get it quick then leave. I did it once but everyone just left it when they lost there money, In the end like 6 people had done it, I walked over turned it on and all the drinks they had chosen fell out, was stocked up for the rest of the week :) for free! Diffrent machines work diffrently, Just figure out how they work and you wont need to pay again.

If you put two nickels into a vending machine, it will credit you with ten cents. That s not fooling it in any way. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think it will somehow think the nickels are quarters, or dollars? That s not going to happen. The machines can tell one type of coin from another.

You could try, but I doubt it would work. Also I would be careful with trying to rock the machine - more people are killed by falling vending machines than sharks each year.

no, cuz each coin has a specific type n size that will fitr in another small box (inside-the-machine)..but keep tryinh maybe it happens...

Only if they weigh exactly the same as the coin you want to replace .

If your really stealthy!!!Tie it with a string and swiftly pull it back~~Hehe

no unfortunatley..i tried that once..an alarm went off.haha



just rock it back and forth.. you get more candy.

nooope lo i tried that a lot

of course u can!!!!! duh?



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