Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to find out how to charge for litiagtion work, what is fair,? -

If someone wants you to go out of state to figure out what was done wrong if any thing, got to be a rate chart some where,

I used to do occasional work like that in my past consulting practice,Orm129.Usually the fees are an hourly rate plus expenses. Chances are, you won t know exactly how long it will take you until you get there and start to actually assess the situation. Therefore an hourly rate is the fairest to all concerned.Don t forget to charge for any research you have to do as well. (You might reduce your hourly rate for research time - or maybe not - that s up to you.)I d also strongly recommend that you get a written agreement on your fees and a retainer upfront. (The amount of the retainer is usually credited toward your total fee.)Finally, if the case does end up in court, you ll likely be called to testify. Rates for testifying are half again to double your normal hourly rates.Good luck and I d be happy to hear how you make out.



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