Monday, February 4, 2013

I fee like my boss is trying to get me fired at work. Can anyone offer assistance? -

If you are in the US, employment is usually on a at-will status, which means that your boss can ask you to leave for ANY reason ( except race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc ).You are also allowed to terminate your employment for ANY reason as well.So, if your boss really wanted to get you out, they would have done it by now.Have a long and candid talk with him/her, and ask if you can get tips from him/her to do your job better. Be open to learning and putting effort into your job, and you should be OK.Of course, if you hate your job, then start looking around.

I m going through the same thing and there is more than one boss on my job that I feel is trying to get me fired.I am a good worker and I think one reason they want to get rid of me is so they don t have to give me more raises and so they can replace me with a few teenage employees for less pay. Plus the bosses have it out for me for some reason. I feel like they have been starting petty things and causing problems so they can build up some negative feedback against me just in case if they do fire me, it would look like they would have valid reasons for doing so so I won t get unemployment from them. In my state you can get fired and receive unemployment just as long the reason you re fired is not your fault. I have been searching aggressively for another job to replace my current one, but I only booked a 2nd seasonal temporary job. I have been at this place for 3 years and I feel I shouldn t take their mess for the little money I get. It will be a blessing if I can get another job somewhere else. Have you thought about looking for another job?

If you like your job talk openly, but in private with your boss. Tell him you like your job but you feel he has some disapproval towards you. Let him explain is that true. His answer will clearly show his attitude towards you. I hope you are wrong in your suspicion and your manager simply had a hard week. But if you are right then negotiate with him good reference and leave package. Do not be afraid to speak honestly with your manager. Most managers respect the honest and direct approach.



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