I m not going to make suggestions, but give you a few things to think about when you choose a name. Don t rush the process and pick a bad name! 1. What do you want your business name to say about your business? Don t restrict it so much that you can t expand or diversify in the future. Once I talked to a woman who named her shop Linda s Candles. It was four years later and less than one-fourth of her store had candles in it! She regretted naming it that, but renaming a business is VERY expensive. 2. Pick a name that your customers will remember, but don t use other businesses names. Don t use Ponies R Us or anything. Don t get too cutesy! People need to take you serious. Remember you can get sued if you use another business name3. And finally think about what will happen when you use just the business initials (called acronyms ). Allie s Succulent Sweets is A_ _ -- you get the picture, I m sure4. The right name can give you a good logo, a good advertising slogan, etc. It can be more than just a sign hanging in a front window. Maybe a logo idea can spur a business name�� brainstorm a bit. Doodle, daydream, get your creative juices going.5. Consult EXPERTS! Contact the Small Business Admin. And get a mentor to help. Consider the answers you get here, but put them to the test before you grab one and call it yours!Good luck with your new business!
Clip Clop TackNickers NookLucky Horseshoe ect.Stable Stuff
call it: equine-noxgotta love the play on words!
ummm... western retreatgiddy up shack