1. Start with the most urgent task to do.2. Continue with the most important ones3. set goals and tasks for the day to all direct subordinates4. checking the progress on the tasks given the previous days5. tackling the new urgent tasks that appeared since the morning6. meetings with suppliers, customers, staff7. bank payments8 preparing the task list for tomorrow
OK i have 10 yrs experience heres what i do i wake up go grab a cup of coffe go online check my e mails login to my mebers area check to see who joined lately call them and ask them if it s good time to talk a minutes or make an appointement to call back later on to discuss the business with them and mentor them along !Then i start advertsing for a few hours about 3 ! contact my current members give them more resources tell them when the next webinar is and what s happening !then go out and do whatever i feel like doing for few hours that day !come home eat dinner go online play games check e mails send out more messages and ads and just have fun !actual work time per day is about 5 hours !