Thursday, April 25, 2013

How do go about obtaining the proper permits and licenses to dispense medical maryjuana in Hawaii??r=125998? -

You can t. The Narcotics Enforcement Division of State of Hawaii s FAQ on medical marijuana specifically states that only INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE APPROVED can own pot plants. No dispensaries are allowed. Does not allow for marijuana dispensaries Hawaii law does not authorize any person or entity to sell or dispense marijuana to medical use of marijuana patients. Hawaii law authorizes the medical use of marijuana, it does not authorize the distribution of marijuana (Dispensaries) other than the transfer from a qualifying patient s primary caregiver to the qualifying patient. Section 329-121, HRS (definition of medical use ). State law provides no immunity from prosecution for any distribution of marijuana other than from the primary caregiver (defined in Section 329-121, HRS) to a qualifying patient ( a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition ).��--Kasey C, PC guru since Apple II daysKEEP OUT! Trespassers will be violated!



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