TERRIER-----The Trusted name for security
Before you jump in, it may be prudent to evaluate security brands that already have an established presence and client base. For instance, Arrow Security has been around for over 25 years, already have companies that know, trust and use their service and they ve spent all the time and money on marketing, branding and advertising research - so you don t need to worry about reinventing the wheel. In the end, it can save you lots of time and money, and give you more time to focus on improving your security service.
+ Security starts with TERRIER+ Safe AND Sound+ We ll keep an eye on you!+ We ll watch catch+ Eye Spy+ Your personal private eye.+ we have eyes for you+ Someone to watch over me..............+ we re looking out for you
TERRIER-Security you can trust
GARD HARD!or Terrier - we like it ruff, we ll ruff you up, we ll protect your pound, etc etc.my personal fave is we like it ruff lololoolololololol
The only watch dog you ll need.
TERRIER - F %# With Us And We ll Bite Your Hand Off