Replicas are FAKE.Louis Vuittons are expensive but good investment. Why?Because of the Leather itself and the GOLD.To tell the difference between Original and Fake....Original1. Original LV does not use synthetic leather. 2. The gold, real gold is used.3. The stitchings are very fine lined.4. for monograms... LV is properly lined.5. ONLY BOUGHT at The LOUIS VUITTON. hahaha.REPLICA/FAKE1. fake/ plastic/ syntethic leather.2. stitchings are not well lined and stitchings come off.3. fake gold... it fades off as it gets touch by the sunlight or touch by any liquid... e.i, rain, sweat... etc.4. They are SUPER CHEAP. hahaha5. Very bad quality, chips off just by a tiny bend of the plastic leather6. Can be bought at the flee markets or online replica websites.tsk tsk tsk. real leather, real gold, good invesement. fake.... no investment. just wasting money, Because u can t resell. People who shop and LV lovers... KNOW.
Replicas are copies of Authentic Products.