Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Is this asking to much from my employee? -

I hired a scurity guard that is a former florist / landscaper. He patrols the grounds with the golf-cart. I game some hedge clippers and pruning shears and told him to prune the rose bushes and ficus hedge when he is bored. Its a for the most part a drama free job with not much going on..

First off, ask him to do it, not tell him. Florist and landscaping skills are over and above the duties of the security guard job. It also pays more. You are asking your employee to perform a task that has value that you are expecting for free. Not respectful behavior if you want to build loyalty in your employees.There are other ways to achieve the same goal by offering some other non-monetary reward or benefit for the extra effort.And companies wonder why they can t find loyal employees anymore...

You are paying him to work, he has experience in landscaping, he shouldn t mind- I know I wouldn t. Sounds like a pretty good job!

No it isn t asking too much.

Hardly. he should be glad for something to do.



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