Sunday, March 15, 2015

TYpe of small business to open? -

I live in a city of about 18,000 people. I am interested in opening a business. Any thoughts on a type? My family and friends have recommended restuarants, ice cream palors, clothing, etc. Restuarants have alot of health and liabilities issues. What type of restuarant doesn t require kitchen hoods and grease traps?

. To start a business you must figure out how you want you business to be recognized. ( Sole Proprietor, LLC , Non- Profit , S-Corp , Or C-Corp) From their You need to register the business so You are legitimate. At that step if you want to get funding to start and don t want to use your own capitol You would need to start building Strong Business credit. (google Strong business Credit ) if you do this You will start to qualify for bank lending.

Open a supplies store.When you find out what business goes on in that city (e.g farming. then sell farming supplies/tools) You can never miss this way.It will be something they need all the time and after they all come to know you better,then you can venture to these other businesses like you mention.Don t forget to give the most efficient service that you can possibly give all the time.This will ensure a more permanent and long lasting customer base.Good luck...

Hey everybody.Here is Mike Filsaime��s Ebook ��Butterfly Marketing��.You may or may not now who this guy is��you can practically read about him allover the net or you tube him..In a nutshell, he is a marketing genius. I wont necessarily say guru because that may be an understatement.He is well known for the best marketing tactics online and off. No bullshit. If you have an online business and want to generate mass traffic or have a tough time coming up with pitch lines. Here��s your answer.If you are operating a ��Real-Life�� business selling t-shirts or what have you��.this program will show you as well how to apply your self to the potential clientele that you never knew existed.I have both up for sale is the physical copy ��Ebook on CD��(which I recommend, because you can watch it on your tv at anytime), and also the digital copy.I have only a limited number of the physical copies.This is a vessel of knowledge for anybody who is in business for themselves .Here is the link: Always remember you get what you put in��..



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