Monday, June 1, 2015

How can i tell my friend i cant babysit? -

today my friend asked me to babysit because they are going to a wild party tomorrow but me and my husband planned to do some business that night what should i tell her

Just tell her you can t, that you re busy that night. It s pretty simple.

You shouldn t compromise your evening if you already had plans. If she s a good friend, she won t get ticked if you decline. If saying no makes you uncomfortable, you could always bring a few available babysitters you know of to the conversation, and offer her some options besides you.Good luck! Have fun with your... business. ;)

Start off cooly, like oh I might... I might be able to... let s see.... Then after (you know you really can t) just make up a GOOD excuse and give reasons- always give reasons (more persuasive). Apologise and then do a Maybe next time...I might be able to....just not today...

Something came up. If you cannot watch the baby, then you cannot watch the baby! Do NOT feel like you are obligated to babysit, it s their baby not yours.

do business while you babysit. you can do business any time. babysit.

Very simple. You need to tell her that you had other plans. The best time to have done this was when she first asked but the sooner the better.

Tell her, I m so sorry but me and my husband have planned some things that night, is there anyone else you can get?

oh god. babysit. its not gonna kill you, you ll get other chances to do some business.

I would just tell her your situation. If she s a good friend, she ll understand why you can t babysit.

What did you say when she asked you?Why couldn t you just say Sorry, I can t. ?

that your bussy but also tell her a friend that maybe could baby sit???

tell her you re busy and you cant babysit...

sorry, we have plans.

that you cant?



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