Saturday, September 2, 2006

Best major for opening a small business or company. for example a restaurant or mechanic? -

I know some people open their own business without any education but I would like to be better prepared and earn a degree in something. I plan to open my own small companies or businesses in i will also be taking classes on accounting, human resource management

I have met similiar problem before, here list of sites

Best major is no major bud... College is a rip off. There forced general ed requirements are expensive and forgotten after you graduate.College is a business. They have a four year profit goal for each student. The only thing they care about is your money especially when you pay for it over 20 or 30 years. Go to the library and learn for free. Get an internship with a local business man and offer to work for FREE, yes you heard me. work for free and learn about his business. 3-6 months , if you dont like the business.... try a different one. college is useless unless you are extremely focused on topics like aerospace, surgical procedures or science.....Dont waste money on business knowledge. its all free son... believe me.



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