Safe deposit boxes require an ID and signature just to get the head teller to let you in the room. If you are not on the list, you don t get in.Then you need the holder s key. The bank has a second key and both have to be used to open the box s drawer.So, as stated earlier, go get a duplicate from your local government agency.
in the long run the safety deposit box isnt even the real issue... get a duplicate and save yourself some grief.... then, seek a harmonious resolution to the problems between you and your parents. do not worry about who is right or wrong, but rather remember how you got to this point in your life, who changed your diapers, and probably who is simply concerned about the decisions that you are currentlly making in your life right now....regardless, you parents wont always be there, so forgive them while you can....imho... a href= Pink Hard Hats /a
It would probably be easier just to order another copy of your birth certificate. You can do so easily from the courthouse in the city or county where you were born. They ll charge a nominal fee.