If you paid by a card, contact your card issuer. More than likely they will work with you.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
How can I canel an online order if the company i purchased the product from is not answering my calls? -
The company I recently purchased boots from is known for fraud and I want to cancel my order. They will not pick up their calls; basically they dont have a representative to talk to. Is there anything I can ask to bank to do?
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Aug 07
- I really dont know any thing about c++ and i dont ...
- Which government agency deals with regulations for...
- Im under 18 and I own a business, in Canada. How c...
- Why do so many businesses fail ? -
- How do you get old cusytomers to return to you sto...
- Tips for selling on ebay? -
- I want to start a business with 100 000 which i ha...
- How can I canel an online order if the company i p...
Aug 07
- ► 2007 (1244)