Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Market America? Scam or good MLM? Have you tried them? -

I have a friend that is wanting to start up with Market America. Has anyone worked with them? Please tell me about your experience. They ve got a pretty good strategy in getting clients, but how plausable is it? (I know you have to maintain a certain amount of BV, etc) Please let me know.Thanks!

Common Sense is right on target. MLM is always a scam; some are legal and some illegal but scams either way.

It s not a scam, it is a legit MLM. I personally don t believe it is good though. I have not tried them, because I don t beleive it to be a good opportunity. It is possible to make money in any legit MLM as long as you follow the system in place, but some are much tougher than others. I believe Market America to be one of the tough ones for a number of reasons. I know several people who are with Market America, but don t know any who are really having any success with it. There are many better, easier and more profitable MLMs out there.

Good MLM are extremely rare.



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