I ve taken many typing tests and always usually score 140-160. I ve only scored 159WPM once, and average around 153. Many people think its BS until it s proven to them, however, I can t prove it online as the facts wouldn t even be enough for some of you. I m 18 and looking for a data entry job that doesn t only require 30wpm like most.Also, when I did happen to score 159, I screen d it and saved it although I don t mind doing it again.http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-��I m not sure where to start or even begin looking. I don t know of a position that requires a high typing speed. Any help where to start looking would be very appreciated. Thanks.
If your typing speed is truly reflective of copy typing versus transcription typing from a headset, and your typing skills are reflective using a word processor piece of software such as Microsoft Word, you can readily find employment by signing up with a major office headhunter such as www.appleone.com or www.voit.com. We also assume that you are at least 18 years of age.Good luck!
try employment agencie$. state employment and such