Until the government gets their hands into the til, it is pretty much the Wild West out here. When receiving money from affiliates like Google they do ask you to sign a W-9 and that includes stating whether you are a sole proprietor or business and fill out the info accordingly, then you will have to pay taxes on that income. If you are shipping merchandise, certain states have regulations on sales tax. Again, though thinking of the Wild West, there really is no enforcement if you are a small, small business.To actually order a domain and build a store, the minimum you will need is a business license, whether sole proprietor or corporation.These can run from $25 - $150/year depending on your city/county. Having this does give you legitimacy and gives your visitors the knowledge that you are a legitimate operation. Good luck.
It depends on the business you are starting if you are freelancing etc then you dont have to else if you are a company going online then you must have to register yourself
It depends upon the country you live and what business you are starting An example is www.business.gov/business-law/online-b��
If you go through my website to sell your merchandise then all the legal business will be taken care of by me. Right now I have been selling just my paintings that I ve created but I m willing to expand.www.colorfestartgallery.com