Always leave it after it has arrived and you are happy with your purchase. Then ASAP to let the seller know it has arrived safely and you are pleased with your item.
The idea is to leave feedback once the transaction is complete, unless you don t receive the item in which case you need to raise a complaint, first with the seller, and then with Ebay if the item still does not arrive.
I leave feedback after my seller has left feedback. After all once I have paid for it my part of the transaction is complete. But as sellers rarely leave feedback under these circumstances it means I often don t bother.
Hey Jacamor,Cool avator dude. Leave your feedback after your item has arrived and you ve inspected the item.
Of course to say weather arrived when expected if it is the quality you expected so on.
yes you leave feedback after you ve received the item not before.
once you receive the item and it is what you expected then you leave feedback.
Duh wait for item how can you say it was a good purchase if it never shows up
Yes. After you get your item leave feedback.