If your wanting to make some Extra income the following website shows you a few different methods you can take to make some extra income. Just dont Expect to be the next bill gates. www.s9underground.webs.com
You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies. You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job. These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as work at home because they would hear from too many unqualified people. Any job requiring any kind of fee or investment is not legitimate.
If it is the advertisement where the person says they were a mortgage broker, then it is a scam. I have seem this ad numerous times with many different names on the ad. The actual product/service is not what the ad is promoting.I work with the Powerbar Club which is a completely free home based online business.
Invest $2 + three referrals = $2.25 + more $ from your downlinePlease join my team for a chance to earn a great income from anoppurtinity that is designed for all team members to win!Not just the guy who is at the top. All I need is 3 referralswho join in with only 2 dollar lifetime membership fee.You each will need 3 people joined in under you.And their $2 each of course.This program pays and it pays quick to your paypal account oralertpay account. The best part is the fact there is a memberforum for all members to join and talk. No wondering who iswho or who is doing what . Got a question, post it on the forum!This program started Oct 10th, 2009 and there are members who arealready receiving their 5th payout.1st payout $2.25 (once you receive 3 referrals)2nd payout $5.003rd payout $10.004th payout $15.005th payout $20.00$77.00 for one lifetime membership fee of $2 and 3 friends.Keep in mind, the payouts don t stop here. It keeps paying!!I mentioned above the best part is the member forum. Butalso understand this. The BESTEST part is the referralspillover. You see this is a team, once you receive your3 referrals, any other referrals goes to your downline.We all have many friends here on the net to share thisgreat opportunity and form a team. I only need threereferrals, any others more than 3 will be given to mydownline.If your struggling with getting referrals, post to the forumor email the program admin. Other members will help promoteyou. Why? Because we need you and your downline for all teammembers to succeed.REDUCING THE RISK OF DOWNLINE CRUMBLETo your s and mine success!Karla K- in Georgia USA
There are some just stay away from those that ask you for money upfront.