Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I want to start an internt business making Gift Baskets. Do I need to list exact products by manufactuer? -

The beauty in my baskets is that they will all contain both store bought and hand made items. I d like the ability to fill the demand without the additional overhead of huge inventory or tempory price increases.

On its face, this doesn t seem wrong to me. You need to ask yourself if you are deceiving customers in any way. For instance, if you run photos of specific products that would be included in the baskets and then deliver different products, you would be on thin ice. Short of that, though, it s not unusual for manufacturers or packagers to substitute parts of equal value. The metric is something of a gut check: Does it feel to you that you are sending customers something with less value than you promised? If the items are of equal quality, you re probably fine. One caveat: Be careful how you represent what your baskets contain. I d highlight the handmade items and then offer enough flexibility in your wording and pictures to make sure customers don t feel cheated.

I would say not a bag idea to list it. Plus the only problem I would thing they can compare prices if you list everything by brands. I would say take a good picture with some brands visible but not.

Yes. It will sell better if you do. Call your handmade ones Custom personnally designed or something cool like that. Good Luck



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