Monday, January 6, 2014

I need to find a job were i can work from home? -

so the deal is i just gave birth to my daughter 3 weeks ago but i want to stay home and take care of her but i need to make a little bit of an income so working from home is a great way. i just need help finding a job that does that. does anyone know?

You need to send your resume out to real jobs you are qualified to do. In your cover letter you need to state that you wish to work remotely, from your home office. LOTS of companies, especially in CA operate this way. They usually provide transportation for you to come in for an interview and for you to attend company meetings a few times a year, but otherwise everything is done online.

Congratulations on the little one.197 weeks ago my daughter was born, and I instantly started looking for work from home because I knew my wife would return to work and I would be here. About six months ago I started working with a company that is very impressive- almost a billion dollars in sales last year, 24 yrs in business, green products, free training, and free support. Its hard to find something like that, the way I did it was search engine- work from home then start searching the company names with the word scam in the search engine. Thousands (maybe high hundreds) of names later I had I think three names- I checked the BBB and found that one had awards. It- honestly, was a pain the behind.I would love to share that with everyone, and if you want to have that please contact me and I will forward you the information, if not that too is okay. Best of luck with your little one, I know mine has changed my whole world, Guard5a



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