Saturday, January 3, 2015

What are some ways to earn money if your only 15? -

Im 15,a nd i cant get a job, because im too young. Im always needing some extra money for anything, and christmas is coming up and so are birthdays for my family and boyfriend and i need to get some money fast..(prostitution is not an answer)ha ha

I suggest a genuine online business. It can take time to find but you can find one that can make you $1-2k per month. I have attached this link. I applied the principles and i making at least $1.5k a month. Dont be discouraged with the title of the site. Most people earn money through Adsense revenue from adverting google ads on their blog/ sites. This site is a practical guide to setting up such a business and im a testimony of it. Also try other google forums you get free advice on google adsense and how to make money from it.http://makingyourfirstmillion-bill.blogs��

Well, instead of suggesting websites that may not even be a for sure thing, I suggest you go around door to door and rake people s leaves, you can charge 10 dollars a house. Rake 10 houses, that s 100 bucks you just made! And in the winter you can go door to door shoveling snow and charge 20 dollars a house. Think about it, there are plenty of elderly people out there who are too tired or just don t have time to do those things, so they would appreciate it a lot, either that or try babysitting. Best of luck to you! :)

Well im 14, ive had a paper round which payed me ��35 a week morning and evening also int the summer and half term i get a summer job for the time im off this summer i earned ��5 hour and i worked 12 - 6 mon - sat i worked for 4 1/2 weeks .. so i earned abit of paper ,, money takes time at are age

You could always try babysitting-if you like kids. You may want to see if there are some older folks that may need some help around their house doing chores etc.. If you are good at organizing maybe there are some friends of parents etc that would love help to clean out a garage or attic etc. use your imagination and play to your strengths - you would be surprised what people may need help with and be willing to pay for.

This might help you,

Service jobs are always good ways to generate some cash: wash cars, mow lawns, babysitting, etc...find something you like and can get repeat business out of it.

Hi,There are some legitimate online jobs. You can check out to find genuine home based online jobs. My best wishes to you.

babysit, mow lawns, rake leaves, help elderly people...

Pull weeds



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