Friday, January 20, 2006

Is there a connection between salesperson likability and selling success? -

the buzz on the street these days is relationship salespeople. it s no longer products or pricing it s all the extra things you do that helps customers be better at who they are and what they do. If you are a dim wad you will have a hard time getting in to even see decision makers but if your approach is subtle and always focused on showing technology and innovations in products and can offer examples of success as you point out what doesn t work and what to stay away from so failure is not an often used word in ones vocabulary then you have a shot at selling success. But it s always more than just a smile and a good price. It s mirroring and pacing your pitch so the customer can hear you see what you are holding and feel it s worth or value. The underlying attention to detail and ones own resolve to not take people to the cleaners and (when it s more than apparent you can) force people to buy when buying is not the right thing to do. People might not buy from you if you point out why it s not in their best interest but when you do this and it s the truth these thankful people always give you referrals and you can sleep better at night

Have you ever bought anything from someone you didn t like?

Replace salesperson with product , and yes.

haven t you heard the story about the salesman who was so successful he could sell refrigerators to Eskimos?

Yeah absolutley. I d rather buy from someone I like even if I m paying a slightly higher price.



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