Hi, your website seems very nice. It has a nice clean look to it, is well organized and user-friendly. Outside of that, I did a search on a couple of the items that you offer. Your website does not appear anywhere in the listings (at least not in the top 200) for the keywords, which I entered into the search engine. I also used the same keywords listed from your source code. For an online store/business to have any success, it is suggested by experts that, your website appear on page 1 or page 2 of the search engine results for keywords. So my suggestion is to have your website optimized or SEO d (Search Engine Optimization). That may help to get more customers to your site if done properly.
thanks for your advise. actually, we have our website SEO. but it doesn t work well. thtat s a big problem . Report Abuse
I am in Britain and don t know the US economy as well as ours, though I expect them to be similar. If so, the problem a lot of high-end stores are facing is that a lot of otherwise potential customers have either lost their jobs or have taken a pay cut and are looking to reduce their expenditure.I say to every business that you can t sell anything unless and until you have customers in your shop. Why not buy in some cheaper, less attractive stuff and advertise your Bargain Basement - break your categories even further down to Under $25 and Under $50 .Of course, you don t want to become a downmarket store. You re just trying to get new customers in to look round at your stock. So with each of your bargain basement items build a hyperlink to see similar products , which will take the customer to the more attractive goods and perhaps persuade them that the high price is really worthwhile paying.