Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Charity Business how to start? -

charity Business how to start

first you need a business plan in a charity you may need to access funding if you are client - service user based its hard to advise you without knowing what kind of business you are going into but if you are service based you will need market research to see if enough work is available,a start up loan from the bank may be needed to access premises and fitting out of the work place once again it is hard to advice without more information on basis of your charity, i would recommend you talk to a financial advisor at your bank good luck and best wishes in your venture.

It s quite common now for people to set up a charity. I dislike the idea, unless it is for something that does not already have a charity in force. If a charity already exists for your chosen cause, then setting up another simply takes money away from the original by adding another set of admin fees. Unless you have a good grasp of finances etc then you will lose a lot of money in overheads.

Your question is a little unclear as a charity is not a business. However, a charity can run a business arm. Please can you expand on your question and state which country you are in?

Visit the Charity Commissioner s site for all the things you need to think about before setting up a charity. There s a lot of information there.Good luck!

You need to register the charity with the Charity Commission. See www.charity-commission.gov.uk.



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