eBay is a legal binding contract between the buyer and the seller. The final fee is the legal agreement that seller and buyer MUST settle for. So NO, the seller MUST agree to the final value of $250 in your case and sell you for that price.
usually the owner will have a Reserve price which means that s the lowest the owner is willing to take. if not than its up to the owner discretion for example if i see a Mercedes online for buy right now at 20,000 but it has a reserve and i m the winner at 17,000 and it meet the reserve than i bought the car. on ebay the owner of a item is not binding to the highest bidder. if ebay was to force the seller to sell at the highest bidder than it wouldn t be no point to sell on ebay because people will keep they bids low and the seller wouldn tt make money
Yes thats right and the seller cannot ask for more later either. I was bidding on a gold diamond ring,l got it yesterday and its beautiful and l got it for 2 bucks !