Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Can I start an online business as a sole proprietor as a minor? -

Can I start an online business as a sole proprietor as a minor?I m 17, Thanks.

I don t think there is an minimum age. You can shovel snow or mow your neighbors lawns for money (ok I realize these examples aren t online) and that could be seen as a business. If you re the only one operating it then it s a sole proprietorship.Make sure you get you re parent s OK before you do anything. There are a lot of scams out there--be careful. and you don t want to put a lot of time and effort into something just to have your parents shut you down.If you re interested I m doing now is free to sign up and has different components that you can join or not join if you choose. Some components are free and some aren t (those that aren t free have a free trial period). The free ones have a more limited earning capability but can be used to build capital for the ones with more substantial earning potential. The free component can also be used as proof that money can be made online before committing to options that require a monthly fee. You can make a little bit of money in a short period of time but to build significant income will take time and effort, it s not easy money. See my source for more information.

Well first off, the law is hazy here. A minor can buy but not own, of course I speak of large investments like houses or in this case a business. So, you won t be a business in the conventional sense where you register as one, but there is nothing stopping you from starting one. Confusing I know, the gist being just go ahead and start one. And of course, be careful of all those online scams that only take your money. I suggest going to WWW.BISAFFILIA.COM where they teach to make a profit with no start up investments and no sign-ups. And detail the finer points of what an affiliate program is and how to properly use them. Good Luck



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