Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to get capital for me to start a new business ? and how to make a business plan for small enterprise? -

Your fist step should be to your local SCORE chapter and the nearest office of the Small Business Administration. Both of these organizations offer FREE (yes, free) help for individuals starting small businesses. They will sit down with you, go over your idea and help you write a business plan. You can ask the people with whom you will meet from these organizations your questions about raising capital. In fact, answering those questions will be a part of completeing your business plan.Again, this ia free service that is made possible my government money and lots of volunteers. You would be doing a disservice if you didn t take advantage of it.Go to these website, www.score.org and www.sba.gov.Good luck!!

u need to volunteer WHERE you are located. visit, for most efficiency, the web site for the US small biz admin. It offers freecopy and paste biz plans you can borrow...[and put your data where their data is onyour copy and pasted version]capital is another thing entirelyGet hold of me for any limited, free guidance!



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