Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I lost an item im selling on ebay? -

Okay well im selling a dvd on ebay and its got 3 bids already and finishes in a few hours but yesterday while tidying i lost it. I looked EVERYWHERE. So what do i do?

contact ebay and ask them to remove the listingyou ll probably be penalized for it and still have to pay the listing fee though

_ . . . This is a naughty me answer, but sometimes, in all of the ruckus of handling 1,000 + items, I sell something twice that I only have one of. I usually ship the actual item to the person who won the auction first. Then I send an e-mail to the other winner and tell them that I discovered that the item was damaged while I was packing it for shipment. I give a full refund and send the refund transaction ID with the e-mail that I use to inform them the item was damaged. This makes sure that they don t have any room to argue or complain. It might sound shiesty, but no one gets screwed over, and it works.

You have to cancel the bids then end the auction, eBay doesn t do it for you.



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